Approvals and permissions established by urban planning certificate (issued in order to obtain building/demolition permit) are classified according to the following categories:
1. Approvals and permissions regarding urban utilities and infrastructure - water supplyapproval, sewage approval, electricity supply approval, thermal energy supply approval,natural gas approval, telephone approval, sanitation approval, urban transport approval.
2. Approvals and permissions regarding fire safety and civil protection, public health
The fire safety approval certifies that the project proposed for authorization complies with theP118/2008 regulation and other legislative norms governing fire resistance and certifies thesafety measures concerning fire safety.
The Ministry of Health, through the Public Health Directorates, according to the regulations inforce, has the competence and obligation to certify the hygiene and public health rules forinstallations in commercial premises or residential buildings.
3. The site plan approval in terms of coexistence conditions - is the network operator's writtenresponse to an applicant's request, stating his point of view on the applicant's proposedlocation of his project with regard to the fulfilment of the coexistence conditions of the of hisproject with the operator's existing networks.
4. Specific approvals and permissions of central public administration authorities and/ortheir deconcentrated services:
• Approval issued by District City Hall - document proving that the local city hall has given itsapproval for the construction or demolition of a specific building, as well as for other situationswhere approval is required. In case the authorization related to protected areas / historicalmonuments is under the competence of the Municipality of Bucharest, it is obliged to ask forthe approval from the district city halls, as well.
• Approval issued by Ministry of Cults, Culture and National Heritage - is issued for theapproval of urban planning documents (Technical Documentation to obtain the BuildingPermit, Z.U.P. or D.U.P.) that encompass monuments, ensembles or historical sites, includingtheir protection areas. It is issued either directly or after the proposals have been debated bythe Commission........
• Approvals issued by State Building Inspectorate - the State Building Inspectorate directly,or through the Territorial Building Inspectorates, as the case may be, according to the legalprovisions in force and in accordance with the Regulation of organization and functioning,
issues the following approvals and permissions approvals of the technical and economic documentation for investment objectives financed from public funds, approvals for the technical-economic documentation related to new investment objectives financed from public funds or from external loans, contracted or guaranteed by the state with values greater than or equal to 10 billion lei, as well as approvals for the technical-economic documentation for repair, rehabilitation, consolidation, restoration works of existing constructions financed from public funds, regardless of value, according to the provisions of Government Decision no. 1.072/2003; approvals for the siting of quarries and ballast pits from the point of view of the protection of buildings in their vicinity; permits for the execution of constructions in the vicinity of national roads; issues approvals for interventions on existing buildings; approvals for immediate intervention solutions for the provisional safety of buildings damaged by disasters, in operational intervention and post-disaster recovery actions. • Approvals issued by the Public Domain Administration - The Public DomainAdministration issues approvals for the partial occupation of the pavement with materials /containers / scaffolding during the organization of construction sites, approvals for theplacement of posters on billboards, approvals for the rental of parking spaces imposed oncommercial spaces / hotels / bank offices, etc.
• Approvals issued by the Technical Traffic Commission - The approval of the TechnicalTraffic Commission certifies compliance with the regulations regarding the number ofmandatory parking spaces and requires the opinion of the Traffic Brigade for the arrangementof access to public roads. These permits are required for new constructions and for changesin the function of buildings.
• Overall Permit - This is the document with the value of a conforming approval, issued only onthe basis of technical files and includes the approvals and favourable permissions for urbanutilities, as well as those relating to fire safety, civil protection, environmental protection andhuman health. On the basis of the single approval the building permit can be issued.
• The approval issued by the Initial Architect of the Construction - The opinion is drawn upas a report, if it is intended to carry out works that bring modifications to existing buildings andaims to determine the conditions and solutions necessary for a favourable response of itsstructure in order to meet the requirements of strength and stability. In the absence of the initialArchitect of the construction, it is mandatory to draw up a technical expertise report,elaborated by a certified technical expert, in accordance with the law.
• Compliance Opinion - is a specialized department that obtains on behalf of the applicantpermissions and approvals from the regulators and various institutions.
5. Specific approvals and permissions - are the approvals issued by the central publicadministration authorities: approvals issued by the Ministry of Transport, Construction andTourism, the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry ofEnvironment and Water Management, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and RuralDevelopment, the Ministry of National Defence - General Staff, the Ministry of Administrationand Interior, the Romanian Information Service, the National Company "Apele Romane" - S.A.,the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority.. Approvals may also be generated by other bodies ofthe central public administration or their decentralised services, as appropriate, according tothe legal provisions in force, depending on their relationship with the investment. Specificopinions and agreements are required for particular situations due to special site conditions orthe functionality of the investment.
6. Administrative document of environmental protection issued by the competentauthorities - after issuing the urban planning certificate, the holder is obliged to presenthimself to the competent authority for environmental protection, in order to make an initialassessment of the investment and to determine the need to evaluate its effects on theenvironment. Following the assessment, the administrative act of the competent authority forenvironmental protection will be issued.